

Background: Thyroid disorders are the most second endocrine problem after diabetes mellitus in society. Environmental, immunological, and genetic factors lead to development of thyroid disorders. Objectives: The study intended evaluate role antibodies hormones diagnosis diseases, as well prevalence patients having living Shendi locality. Study design: current research was prospective, case - control, hospital-based carried out from 2013-2017, El-Mek Nimir Uiversity Hospital town- Northern Sudan.-. River Nile State. Two hundred eighty-three (283) participants selected randomly population, whom Hundred eleven (111) with hypothyroidism; Seventy-two (72) hyperthyroidism; (100) healthy normal subjects control group. Participants were recruited outpatient clinics profile (TSH, T4, T3, fT3, fT4) (Anti-thyroid peroxidase antithyroglobulin) measured. Results: revealed that (60.7%) had hypothyroidism, (39.3%) hyperthyroidism, (91.9%) hypothyroidism female, only (8.1%) male, while (84.7%) hyperthyroidism female male represented (15.3%) them. 107 group (58.5%) positive when evaluated for (TPO Ab), level more than (40.0 IU/ml). 72 (64.9%) them whereas a 35 (48.6%) hyperthyroidism. As regard Thyroglobulin (Tg 73 (39.9%) studied positive, 51 (69.9%) 22 (30.1%) also statistically significant correlation between presence TPO Ab values fT3

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منابع مشابه

[Clinical significance of thyroid auto-antibodies in thyroid diseases].

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عنوان ژورنال: International journal of research - granthaalayah

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2394-3629', '2350-0530']